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Howdy Guv’nah! I’m sure y’all are lookin’ for some good ol’ Texas Hold ‘em action. With an overabundance of free poker games online, it’s hard to choose which one will get your horses running. For those tired of the same poker game, a good bet to raise your poker IQ is Governor of Poker. What’s great about this game is that you can get the Governor of Poker full version free download. Read on further and discover how you can play this amazing online poker game.
The game is a cross between your Texas Hold ‘em game and Monopoly. Plus, your character gets to wear a ridiculously large cowboy hat. You start out by entering your name and choosing your character’s gender. Then you’re off to conquer your first town. The objective of the game is to buy properties through your poker winnings and eventually earn the title — Governor of Texas.

Getting Started
You start out in a small Texas town and you can immediately see within the vicinity busy townsfolks. Mosey on along and engage in friendly chitchat with the local folks and they will give you unsolicited poker-related advice and information on the tournaments available. You can also check out the buildings and see how much they cost. You’ll want to take note of not only the price but also how much money each building can net you. All this information is needed when you’re ready to make your first real estate purchase.
Now comes the best part—Texas Hold ‘em poker. When you’re up and ready to play, a tournament will open up. You need to be able to afford the buy-in in order to participate. Once you’ve officially entered into a tournament, you’ll see the poker table in front of you, along with the other players. Then you start the official play as the dealer hands out the cards. From then on it’s round after round of Texas Hold ‘em madness.
When you bring your game face (or poker face) to the table, you’ll easily eliminate your opponents out of the table. Once you collect enough winnings you can start buying properties like a stable, the saloon or even the county store. Each building earns you a different amount, so you have to be wise in your investments. You can also use your earnings to upgrade your vehicle to a wagon or even a carriage. You use these vehicles to get to other towns and play in their tournaments or buy properties.
Start Playing Now
As you get better at the game, you will soon see your reputation rise proportionate to your earning’s increase. Governor of Poker is a wonderful game where you can play poker online, free of charge with a spin that includes a real estate acquisition twist. The in-game humor and the Wild West theme is a breath of fresh air. Not a lot of online poker games offer sidelights to delight players. Check out the websites where you can download and play Governor of Poker full version free download:
1. =

2. 4shared =
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5. Planetshake–
6. Jenkat games-

7. Softonic-
8. Mediafire–
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9. Rapidshare–
10. http://l.go-for
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So whadda ya waitin’ for cowboy? Get your boots and hat on and download Governor of Poker full version free download and go all in with your full house.