How To Win Diamonds In Casino Cooking Fever
How to win 15 gems in the Casino in Cooking Fever. Click the Casino to open it. Click the 500 bet button. Close the Casino by pressing the 'x' butt. Cooking Fever Hack for Unlimited Gems and Coins. Cooking Fever is one of the interactive games that is trending all around. Becoming the best gamer in it will require you to spend lots of gems. Earning sufficient amount of gems matter in the game and it can be obtained by using cooking fever hack or the in-app purchases.
Get 10 gems just from daily rewards 500 1500 Player Spend 10,000 coins in Casino: 75 500 Better Luck Next Time Spin coin machine at Casino 15 times in a row without winning 50 200 Jackpot Win 1,000 coins in Casino in one spin 50 200 Show Them What You Can Complete total 250 levels with 3 stars in any of your restaurants: 500 3000.
Coins and gems (some people call these 'diamonds') are earned during the course of playing the game. Coins are fairly easy to acquire once you have several restaurants open, but gems in Cooking Fever seems to come along much more slowly. It is easier to earn gold in Cooking Fever than diamonds. You need to level up and log in on the seventh day just to get two diamonds. Therefore, you have to save them as much as you can. Keep them until you need them for the next restaurant; otherwise, it can take several weeks for you to move to a new location.
How To Win Diamonds In Casino Cooking Fever Without
Struggling to get past the levels due to the overwhelming customers and the numerous number of orders that you have to fulfill? Are your friends beating you at Cooking Fever and you are simply getting super frustrated about it? Well these cheats, tips, and hacks for 2018 should help you through most of the levels and boost your scores along the way. I will be able to guide you through an easy way to make life easier for you and allow you to be able to cook your way to victory.
How To Win Diamonds In Casino Cooking Fever Without

Upgrade to get more food on the table!

Getting more food on the table isn’t too easy especially if you don’t have fast enough fingers and a mind to multitask faster than others, but there are still things that you can do which will help you get through several stages harder than you would be able to without this tip. The upgrades that you want to get is that you want to get the upgrades that allow your table and grill to be able to seat more people and cook more food respectively. By doing both of these, you will be able to sit more people, which means that you will miss fewer people in every round so that they can sit down instead of waiting and eventually getting too frustrated and leaving. So by getting additional tables, you will be able to score a couple more customers so that they don’t leave. This will ultimately get you a lot more cash over time and be well worth it in the end when you need to score that one last customer. If you don’t upgrade your tables, it will be much more difficult to seat everyone and you will struggle to serve them because there is still a wait time in terms of how long they take to eat and order, so you have to have a decent number of tables so that you can continuously seat people without too much trouble. Getting some additional grills will also allow you to be able to get more food out. So if you are getting additional grills, then you can cook more food so that you can get out more food and then you can serve more food. This will get you a ton more cash so that you can get to that goal that you need to get to.
Hit the Playback

This is basically meaning that you should be repeating levels so that you can earn additional coins so that you can afford those upgrades that I talked about before. This will give you some extra cash that you use on upgrades so that your future levels will be a ton easier. This will allow you to play the stages that you have played before and constantly gain as many coins as the stage gives you. In addition, you can earn some additional experience points or gold stars that you will need in the future. Getting additional experience points will allow you to be able to get access to additional content through leveling up so that you can continue playing Cooking Fever. After you earn the additional coins that you need, you should be able to get those upgrades that I talked about before and then it will be easier to do the future rounds and then easier to win each stage consecutively.
Done with cooking upgrades? Make it more fashionable
After you are almost completely done upgrading your entire table count and grill efficiency, you should be able to work on the interior of your restaurant. I say almost completely done because it is pretty difficult to fully upgrade them due to the price at the higher levels. At the point where it is simply out of your budget, you will want to upgrade other things so that you can get those additional benefits which will help more than trying to wait for the table and grill upgrade to be available through saving up. You don’t want to save your money because it is much more difficult to continue running through rounds while saving up, so it is important to start upgrading the interior of your restaurant.
Struggling? Increase your prices.
How To Win 15 Gems In The Casino In Cooking Fever
If you are struggling to get enough coins in the game in each round because you are struggling with the number of coins that you are getting from each sale, you should go for some different strategy. You can go for increasing the prices of the food after upgrading your food quality. Although it may be a little bit of a mood change for your customer, it will be fine overall if you are able to seat them well enough.
How To Win Diamonds In Casino Cooking Fever Fast
Understand how your customers are feeling
You should know how your customers are feeling through their emotions. This will be a huge factor in the game for the whole time in the course that you play this game. It is an important factor that you must consider because it will determine whether your customer will leave and whether you will even get a sale or not. Your customer will have different expressions meaning that they are angry, happy, or other emotions that they could have. When they enter, they usually have a more solemn mood that changes depending on whether you are able to seat them quickly or whether you make them wait. If you make them wait, then they will be more mad and if you seat them quickly, they will be more happy. This also means that you should focus on getting your happier by getting the upgrades that I talked about. The moods of your customers will also be affected by the decoration of the interior. Like I talked about before, the decoration of your interior will determine how happy they are to be there and really, how long they are willing to wait to be seated and how long they are waiting to be fed. As long as you serve everyone on time and seat everyone almost as soon as they come in, then you should be fine in the game and you should be able to win round after round. After a certain amount of time, you should be struggling in the rounds, which just means that you need to figure out how to serve things faster.
Pre-prepare the food ahead of time
If you have some time, then you should be preparing some additional main entrees so that you don’t have to spend your time cooking them in the first place. In doing so, you will save a ton of time so that you don’t have to wait for the waiting time of cooking the food in the first place. There should be no worry about the food getting cold like in real life because they won’t go cold and you will be able to earn the same amount of coins if you had them out for an hour as well as holding them out for a second. As long as you keep on your upgrades for your grill, you should have more slots to hold the food that you have cooked in the spare time that you have had.

How To Win Diamonds In Casino Cooking Fever Online