Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Time
Here is all the legendary and orange guns unlocked in this vid it is WAY better then the slot machine glitch my boi raven a damn fool go back and sub for details or get at us on live XBL Legends. Borderlands 2 slot machine win every time audio Six months of 5 min deposit online casino red all slots promo code provided above cards that hardly matters. Dressers can be real-time make extra story that over them.
- Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Time Zone
- Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Times
- Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Timed
- Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Timer
- Result Prize Count Percentage No Match Nothing 323 19.00 2 Matching + 1 Eridium 1 Eridium 328 19.29 2 Matching + 1 Fleshstick White Weapon 210 12.35 3 Rainbows Cash Explosion 143 8.41 3 Fleshsticks Shock Explosion 113 6.65 3 BAR Symbols 4 Eridium 93 5.47 3 TNT Plungers Blue Weapon 72 4.24 3 Rabbits Purple Weapon 17 1.00 3 Vault Symbols Pearlescent Weapon 2 0.12 3 Vault Symbols Legendary Weapon.
- Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch. Browse more videos. Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Hack UNLIMITED ORANGE WEAPONS.
The slot machine is a new addition to Borderlands 2, and it allows you to spend all of your hard earned cash for the chance to win fantastic prizes.
The amount of money it costs to tug the one-armed bandit varies depending on your character’s level—as do the weapon rewards.
Eridium, character skins and cash are dispensed through the front tray, while weapons are acquired through the side tray on the left.
You can find two slot machines in Mad Moxxi’s bar for double the fun. You’ll also come across them in the wilderness, occasionally hoisted by a rare enemy called the One Armed Bandit.
A handy tip: Play the slots with a group of other players to multiply your cash and Eridium rewards.
Another handy tip: While your friends are doing their shopping in Sanctuary, just head on to Moxxi’s bar and gamble while you wait. Money has little use apart from buying ammunition and rare items from stores and you’ll always find more cash to buy ammo should you ever run out.
The odds may always be in the house's favor, but it's not like you've anything else to do with your money.
Slot Machine Rewards
Three Psycho Masks : A live grenade. This “reward” is the only one that’ll hurt you by doing more than taking away your money. Be sure to avoid the explosion.
Three Single Eridium : One stack of Eridium (4 pieces)
Three Double Eridium : Two stacks of Eridium (8 pieces)
Three Triple Eridium : Three stacks of Eridium (12 pieces)

Three Sevens : An uncommon rarity character skin from a weapons manufacturer.
Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Time Zone
Three Bells : More money for you to gamble with!
Three Cherries : Uncommon (Green) weapon
Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Times
Three Moxxi Symbols : Rare (Blue) weapon

Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Timed
Three Marcus Symbols : Epic (Purple) weapon
Three Vault Symbols : Legendary (Orange) weapon
A pair of symbols with a bell: A small amount of cash.
A pair of symbols with a non-matching symbol: Common (White) weapon
Borderlands 2 Slot Machine Glitch - Legendary Guns Every Timer
**** You need to Read to get this to work! ****
The other day I showed you the video where I got the orange weapons. Well here is the video on how to do it. It is a real simple tutorial so hopefully you can follow.
Cheat Engine Download:
.CT File:
.CT file (alternative):
0 - 6711 = White Weapon X-X-Head
6712 - 11745 = Green Weapon 3 x Cherries
11746 - 12249 = Blue Weapon 3 x Legs
12250 - 12299 = Purple/Pink Weapon 3 x Marcus
12300 - 12305 = Orange Weapon 3 x Vault (Jackpot)
12306 - 13143 = 3 x Eridium
13144 - 13395 = 3 x Double Eridium
13396 - 13470 = 3 x Triple Eridium (Jackpot)
13471 - 21860 = Money (Random amount)
21861 - 24377 = Boom 3 x Head
24378 - 26055 = Skin 777
26056 - 32767 = Nothing
32768 - XXXXX = Break (Reload area to fix)
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